Peacespeakers is an electronic instrumental project of three hungarian guys (two of them living in Budapest, the third in the Big Apple) to discover the rest between sounds. Message From Planet Earth is a soundtrack for a film that non exists, but you have the chance to realise it deep in your mind…
Size/total time: LP (49:23)Download release in .ZIP or listen and download tracks below.
01 – Peacespeakers / We Are All Alone In The UniverseProduced by Peacespeakers [2006]
02 – Peacespeakers / Nobody Can Help Us
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
03 – Peacespeakers / To Find Our Freedom
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
04 – Peacespeakers / It’s Only Rest In Our Dreams
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
05 – Peacespeakers / We Fly Above
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
06 – Peacespeakers / Deep Green Sea
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
07 – Peacespeakers / That Called Life
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
08 – Peacespeakers / So Don’t Mind The Lost Moments
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
09 – Peacespeakers / It’s All The Same
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
10 – Peacespeakers / In The End
Produced by Peacespeakers [2006]
Peacespeakers - Message From Planet Earth (SJSLP-6201)
We Are All Alone In The Universe(Peacespeakers)
Nobody Can Help Us(Peacespeakers)
To Find Our Freedom(Peacespeakers)
It’s Only Rest In Our Dreams(Peacespeakers)
We Fly Above(Peacespeakers)
Deep Green Sea(Peacespeakers)
That Called Life(Peacespeakers)
So Don’t Mind The Lost Moments(Peacespeakers)
It’s All The Same(Peacespeakers)
In The End(Peacespeakers)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
vincent November 18, 2009 // 23:11
i am a french cabinetmaker and ii just want to ask you if it s possible to use your music
in my futur exposition place….
thank for your samples
vincent mermillod
-SJS- November 19, 2009 // 14:26
Hello Vincent,
I sent you an e-mail with the details, but your e-mail box is full. So clean up your inbox to get my mail.
Beny April 28, 2010 // 11:32
Great music! I listening it mostly during work (webdesign). Greeting from Poland.
James February 27, 2011 // 12:27
I am not sure why I could not listen the musics?~
-SJS- February 27, 2011 // 13:20
Sometimes the servers are overloaded or simply down.
Come back a few hours later! 🙂
James March 1, 2011 // 04:16
Awesome music…love it~
Hannes January 25, 2012 // 21:22
I love you! to find our freedom(!) gahh
Laurent January 20, 2014 // 17:48
i am french and i want to ask you if it s possible to use your music
for a music on hold for my switchboard.
Could you give me your agree?
-SJS- February 9, 2014 // 21:33
Laurent: I sent you an e-mail
Laurent March 10, 2014 // 17:00
I am sorry but I didn’t get it.
Could you send me it one more time?
-SJS- March 12, 2014 // 15:42
Laurent: Okay, sent again. Check the spam!
Océane October 27, 2015 // 12:50
I want to use your music “Nobody Can help us” for a mashup of craftsmen.
It’s a little association who produce the video and this video will be showed on craftsmen’s shop.
Thank you,
-SJS- March 16, 2016 // 15:03
If it is made for commercial use, then not allowed. If it is just for fun then okay.
Claire May 23, 2016 // 06:48
I would like to ask you if I can use your music for a promotional video about French heritage during World War II. Your music would come during the cocktail sequence that has been given after the ceremony.
Thank you for your answer.
-SJS- June 23, 2016 // 14:13
Hello Claire.
If the film is made for commercial use, then not allowed. If it is just for fun then okay. Please show us the result.
Jean-Alain Fréard February 20, 2022 // 11:27
Je veux utiliser votre musique “Nobody Can help us” pour une vidéo de mon voyage à vélo en 2011, pour la diffuser sur Youtube. est-ce possible ?
-SJS- March 8, 2022 // 21:30
Hello Jean-Alain. If your video is made for commercial use, then not allowed. If it is just for fun then okay. Please show us the result.
Eli January 27, 2025 // 08:26
Found this when I was maybe 14, now I’m pushing 30. Still revisit it from time to time. Great album. Thanks for keeping the domain/hosting up all these years